Thursday, November 21, 2013


¨   To worship is to give praise or respect to God or god.
¨   To take part in an act of worship.
¨   To feel great admiration or devotion for someone or something.
 Synonyms: adore, revere, venerate, idolize, exalt, glorify, homage, to pray, to love someone or something deeply, and to like someone or something very much.
      Adore (latine word) orare is to pray.
Who will  we worship?
® Angels will worship Rev 4:9-11/hebr 12:22/ps 103:20
®   Everyone who has Breath: Ps 145:21”every creation”, PS 177:1”all nations”.   Chronicles 29:29”the king and all people”
® Every one with a pure heart: Ps 149:1/ps 24:3-4”who will ascend the hill
®   Heaven and earth will worship: Ps 69:34
Who should we worship?
®   God the creator of everything and savior: exodus 20:3/Exodus 20:23:don’t make any gods to be long side me …as did the nation Ps 115:2_8”the idols have eyes but can’t see”
Why should we worship?
®     To honor our creator: Isaiah 43:20-21
®     For God is the first and the last, the Great God: Isaiah 44:6-7
®     For the lord is the savior: deut 5:6-10/Ps 107:1
®     For his love endures forever: Ps 106:1
®     For the Lord raises the poor from the dust:1 Samuel:2:8/Ps 68:4 “father of the orphans”
®     For he forgives us all sins: Ps 103:2-4”redeemer, healer, crowns us with love.
®     For he satisfies your desire with good things::Ps 103:5”renews us like eagle.
®     For we are the creation: Gen 1:17,29-30
When should we worship?
®     After being clean: exodus 30:17 in the blood of Jesus, Hebrews 10:22”let us draw near to God with a sincere…, Isaiah1:11-17 the multitude of sacrifices…
Where should we worship?
®     In the temple (our bodies):1Corith 6:20: honor God with your body”, /Ez 10:4                Ps 24:4      One thing…I may dwell in the house of the Lord”  Habak 2:20”the Lord is in his holy temple”1Corith 3:16 “yours bodies are the temple of the holy spirit.
®     Where God will choose himself: Deut 12:4,11,14,18,21
®     In our hearts (in spirit and truth): John 4:23”the true worshipers”
How long should we worship?
®     Forever and ever: Ps 41:13/Ps 72:18-19”everlasting to everlasting”

How should we worship?
NB: some time we fail to worship God the Almighty and worship idols by our ignorance, so we have to know what the worship is and to whom the worship is conducted or made.
Here are some points which show the worshipping of God or idols.
®   Believe: Genesis 15:6, Mark 5:36”just believe”                                                                   
®   To raise up , glorify: Luke 1:46”my soul glorify the Lord”
®   Bow for or in front of: Ps 95:6”come let us bow and worship” Ps 100:2 “…with joyful song”
®   Sing for: PS 95:1”come and let us sing for the joy of the Lord” 2 Samuel 22:50 “I will ssing for you”
®   Proclaim: Ps 96:2/Ps 26:7/ 1Peter 2:9”…you may declare…”
®   Saying the truth: Exodus 23:1 “do not spread false rapports”
®   Confess: Prov  3:6/Rom 10:9
®   Preach: Ps 96:3, Mark 16:15 “go into all the world and preach”,1Cor 9:6, John 4:28
®   Fear: Ps 2:11”serve the Lord with fear” Eccl 12:13/Rev 4:11/1Peter 2:17, Rom 13:13/1 Corr 13:5/Eph 6:4
®   Tremble at: Ps 114:7 “trembles o earth”
®   Trust  in: Jer 17:7”blessed is the man who trust in the Lord” Ps 22:8,Prov 11:28,Ps 16:8,      Ps  37:3,PS 146:3, Isaiah 12:2
®   Obey: Jer 42:6 “…we will obey the Lord…”, Matth 8:27,Jer 11:4:…obey…”
®   Offering sacrifice: Ps 50:14 “…fulfill your vows to the most high…”
®   Hollow: Matth 6:9 “…hollowed be your name…”
®   Worship :Ps 100:2” worship the Lord” Serve: Ps 2:11 “serve the Lord with fear
®   Rejoice for:Ps 35:9/Ps 122:1/Luke 1:17/Ps 119:143/habak 3:18/Jer 31:4/Ps 100:2
®   Follow: Luke 9:57” …I will follow you whenever you go “, John 8:12 “…whoever follows me will never walk in darkness…”
®   Dancing for: 2 Sam 6:16 “David danced for ark of the Lord came back in Jerusalem”
®   Praise:PS 68:5,Ps 150:3
®   Doing what he says: Luke 6:46/Matth 19:18/Exod 20:6/2 chron 34:31/John 14:21
®   Meditate:Ps 1:2”meditate the law of the Lord day and night”
® Thanksgiving:Ps 100:4”Enter his gates with thanksgiving”
®   Testify: John 1;34”I have seen and testify that this is the son of God”, Act 4:33”with great Power the apostles testified…”
®   Come down:Jer 13:18, Heb 12:28
®   Love: Luke 10:27, Deut 13:3, Deut 6:5,Levit 19:8
®   Doing the will of somebody, please somebody or some thing: John 4:43, Heb 11:6”without faith is impossible to please God”,1 Thessalonians 2:4 the lawless man
®   Pray: Ps 2:8, Jonas 2:1
®   Having confidence in something or in some body:Prov 31:11
®   Leaping for or in front of somebody or something: 2 Samuel 6:16,Act 3:8
®   Lasting attentively: Ps 78:1/Ps 49:1-4,Micah 1:2
®   Remember: Luke 22:19” DO this in remembrance of me “, Exodus 20:8”Remember the Sabbath day..”
®   Keep holy: Exodus 20:28
                                                                 By Patron L.S.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this good message men of God this is a revelation.
