
COSTITUTION AND LAWS ROCK OF PRAISE Evangelical Ministries Amended July 02nd 2008 ARTICLE 1 NAME The name of this Ministry shall be the ROCK OF PRAISE Evangelical Ministries. ARTICLE 2 MISSION The mission of the Rock of Praise Evangelical Ministries shall be to continue our Lord's ministry of preaching, teaching, healing and disciplining as portrayed in the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles. ARTICLE 3 PURPOSE 1. To advance the Kingdom of God within the individual members of our family in River of Life. 2. To build a strong foundation so that River of Life can become an anchor for Christians in our society. 3. To advance the Kingdom of God within our Society. 4. To produce discipled, loving and caring Christians. 5. To create a worshipping, praising, praying, and caring Christian Community. ARTICLE 4 1. This constitution consisting of Articles 1 through 11 shall be the governing document of River of Life Community Church of Lethbridge. 2. Any or all such Articles can and may be clarified through By-Laws. The By-Laws shall be written or amended by the Board of Elders but shall be approved at a duly called congregational meeting. ARTICLE 7 DISCIPLINE 1. The purpose of church discipline is for correction, restoration and protection of the Body. Any member of the church, who is found to live in a way unworthy of his calling as a Christian, or to teach contrary to the Word of God or the Statement of Faith of the Church, shall be lovingly admonished according to the Scriptures. If there is no repentance, upon recommendation of the Board of Elders, his membership shall be terminated. Matthew 18:15-18 1 Corinthians 5:11 Galatians 6:1-2 2 Corinthians 2:5-11 2. Discipline of members is the responsibility of the Board of Elders. ARTICLE 8 CONGREGATIONAL MEETINGS 1. Congregational meetings may be called only by the Board of Elders: - at their discretion or - within two weeks of receiving a petition signed by fifty members requesting a congregational meeting. 2. All such meetings shall be announced by placing notification in the Sunday bulletin for two consecutive Sundays prior to the meeting; such notice to include the purpose of the meeting. 5 3. Voting at all meetings shall be by standing count unless otherwise decided by the meeting. 4. All motions presented at a congregational meeting shall require a 75% majority of those members voting. 5. Only members of the Church may vote. 6. An Annual Meeting of the congregation shall be called by the Board of Elders for the purpose of discussing routine business items including but not limited to the following matters: - the congregational financial position - reports from the ministry areas - ratifying By-Law alterations made by the Board of Elders at any time during the year - confirmation of the Elders and Trustees - election of Chairperson and Secretary of the congregation: these people shall preside over all congregational meetings called until the next Annual Meeting - any other business which may come before the meeting ARTICLE 9 AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION This constitution shall be amended only by a motion made at a duly called congregational meeting. Any proposed amendments shall be placed in the Sunday Bulletin for two consecutive Sundays prior to the congregational meeting. ARTICLE 10 CEASING TO EXIST In the event that the Church dissolves, disbands or in anyway ceases to exit, all assets of the Church shall be turned over to another charitable organization. ARTICLE 11 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION This organization shall be carried on without the purpose of gain for its members and any profit or other gains to the organization shall be used for promoting its objectives. BY-LAWS MEMBERSHIP 1. A person shall be admitted into membership subject in each case to the approval of the Board of Elders: - by baptism upon profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord or - by letter of transfer or recommendation from another Christian church and upon 6 acceptance of the Statement of Faith (Article 4) or - by restoration; any person who has lost his membership may be restored to membership 2. A new member shall be received and welcomed during a worship service. 3. A member may withdraw his or her membership by stating such a desire in a letter to the Board of Elders. Members in good standing may obtain a letter of recommendation from the Board of Elders when transferring to another church. 4. Every member of this Church is expected to live according to the teachings of the Word of God and to avoid and refrain from that which is destructive to the Christian life and dishonourable to God. Every member is earnestly expected to: - refrain from slander and evil speaking of one another - pray for the Church, its members and its ministries - materially support the Church recognizing the principles of tithing and Christian giving - attend worship services faithfully and regularly - become part of the Church programmes for fellowship and spiritual development - submit to the discipline of the Board of Elders - live a holy and godly life


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